From Mindfulness to Watchfulness
Instead of believing we will hear from God at any time, perhaps we should recite this: “I hear from God when I am quiet enough to listen.”
Instead of believing we will hear from God at any time, perhaps we should recite this: “I hear from God when I am quiet enough to listen.”
Being merciful is more than refraining from sticking the knife in… it’s also about having eyes open to see those who are struggling.
Perhaps there is a new category of church that could be imagined – for want of a better name, “church-lite”. Brian Harris reflects.
Why not mull over these images – the Lord my shield, my sleep, my security, my deliverer? Perhaps they will ring true for you this week.
In practical terms, what does it mean to move from a sense of entitlement (I am owed) to gratitude? Brian Harris shares seven insights.
For some, faith is easy. For others, it is a perpetual “quest” that involves hard questions, searching, and dismissal of easy answers.
Problems are part of life, aren’t they – so why run away from them? Why unfriend problems? Brian Harris writes
It is because we are never ready for Christmas that Christ comes to us. When we are at our most inhospitable, the heart of God opens to us.
When it comes to God there are some things we know and many things we don’t. This is why we need humility, writes Brian Harris.
Eugene Peterson once said pastors should be ‘unbusy’, ‘subversive’ and ‘apocalyptic’. I say this should apply to ALL followers of Jesus.