What are some of the qualities of people who are routinely successful? Most are able to tick all of these 8 boxes…

What are some of the qualities of people who are routinely successful? Most are able to tick all of these 8 boxes…
Brian Harris suggests, each time we are about to say “yes”, why not pause and ask, “what does this mean I am saying no to?”
Keep people at a distance and you only see them in blurry outlines. It’s then easy to perpetuate myths about them, writes Brian Harris.
“This church thing, it’s just not working for me,” said my friend. It wasn’t the first time I had heard this.
I guess every advantage has a shadow, and it’s as well to be aware that even experience has potential hazards.
What we are willing to do or not do, impacts others. What if we used our power on behalf of the powerless?
No-one is immune to failure, but it is still deeply unsettling when someone we trusted and looked up to turns out to be deeply flawed.
Feeling like God hasn’t kept our ‘bargain’ limits our ability to trust God. Brian Harris unpacks the limiting beliefs that hold us back.
Some of the most bitter people have the most to be grateful for – they just can’t see it, writes Brian Harris.
Any full life has its winters. It certainly isn’t non stop, full steam ahead productivity. So is it possible to flourish in winter?