CHINA: Church and Associated School Officially Closed
The Linfen Covenant House Church has experienced ongoing legal challenges, many of which arose after police officers raided a family camp in August.
The Linfen Covenant House Church has experienced ongoing legal challenges, many of which arose after police officers raided a family camp in August.
In July of this year, followers of local animist traditions in the village of Grahipla had planned an initiation ceremony and told Christians not to worship that day.
On 8 December 2004, Francisco Montoya, a Colombian preacher, was shot in the head by FARC guerrillas while on a trek to spread the gospel in the remote village of Novita.
Aroun Voraphorn preached the gospel fearlessly in Laos until he went missing in December 2005 and was found murdered two days later.
When 18-year-old Rung and her brother left their village to find work, they were employed by a Christian family whose example won Rung and her brother to the Lord.
Gita has believed in Jesus since she was 11, but her parents gave her in marriage to a Hindu man 20 years her senior.
Hani is a young woman in her mid-twenties serving a five-year sentence for converting to Christianity. Her family lives in Hargeisa, the capital of the Republic of Somaliland.
A large Christian colony in Pakistan has been demolished by contractors working for the government, without any warning to residents.
Growing up as a Buddhist in Nepal, Min Maya made fun of her Christian friends. She occasionally visited the church in her village to obtain free school supplies, but otherwise, she had no use for Christianity.
Emily didn’t fit in at her new school. Most of the school’s 600 students were Muslims, with a few Hindus, and nine-year-old Emily was one of two Christian students.