On Recovering From the Addiction Cycle
Shame is a big part of addiction. To recover, people don’t need judgment. They need acceptance of who they are, writes Eliezer Gonzalez.
Shame is a big part of addiction. To recover, people don’t need judgment. They need acceptance of who they are, writes Eliezer Gonzalez.
Where do we turn when our fragile identities are constantly in flux, and when our cultural identities cause conflict and confusion?
Research has shown that procrastinators can produce results of lower quality and suffer more stress and illness. Why put off what you can do now?
The Holy Spirit has promised He has our back and that he’ll be there for us when we share Jesus, but do we really trust Him when the moment arrives?
Better than a dishwasher, Jesus cleans, restacks and reshelves us, to a higher shelf than where we really belong, writes Sam Chan.
Hard things scare us because they take effort. But although we may not see it at the time, the Lord can always bring beauty out of the hard times.
Sharing our faith is going to be messy at times. But it didn’t always go to plan for the early church either! So it shouldn’t stop us spreading the gospel.
It’s not youth serums and excercise – it’s faith that holds the ultimate secrets to reversing the effects of growing older, writes Eliezer Gonzalez.
People are most teachable at their point of need – so the best way to spark interest in the gospel is about connecting Jesus directly with their needs.
Knowing that God is not against us but for us, will help to protect us against overwhelming crisis in life, writes Eliezer Gonzalez.