Life On Mission is About Three Simple Things
Your friends don’t need another world-changing evangelist, they need you—and talking to them about Jesus is easier than you might think.
Your friends don’t need another world-changing evangelist, they need you—and talking to them about Jesus is easier than you might think.
We need to build Christian worship that complements both old and new, and is true… Worship cannot be aesthetics alone, writes Stephen McAlpine.
Experts say we need to get serious about having fun. But writer Caroline Spencer asks if we’re missing something that is even better.
That uncomfortable moment when you take a personality test and are served with words like “image-conscious, pretentious, dishonest and superficial.”
Next time you’re facing a tough time, or perhaps you’re facing one now, Jesus has promised to be with you. There really are treasures in the darkness.
Through both intentional and unconscious decisions, you have been building your life. The question is, what kind of building are you building?
How do you see your scars? Repulsive? Shameful? Embarrassing? Jesus isn’t afraid to touch our scars… He is able to heal them, writes Danni Synot.
Elvis lived a full life because he wasn’t afraid, so the movie says – but Elvis also died at 42. Was it a life half life lived? Sam Chan ponders.
Against the backdrop of mysterious, ancient gods that demanded mass killings of children, the God of the Bible shines most brightly, writes Tania Harris.
Philosophers, scientists and theologians have all sought to understand the problem of evil. The Bible offers a narrative that makes sense of it.