What does Minecraft teach us about God?
James Garth, a Dad of Minecrafting boys, an aerospace engineer, digs into what Minecraft reveals about ourselves, and perhaps a bigger picture.
James Garth, a Dad of Minecrafting boys, an aerospace engineer, digs into what Minecraft reveals about ourselves, and perhaps a bigger picture.
We have entered a new era and while we need not react to every whim of a new generation, we cannot expect emerging generations to conform to the old.
The fires have affected so many in this country. How do we help our children to feel reassured when they witness so much that can stoke fear and insecurity?
The emotions and identities of genuine people are being rocked by these debates around freedom of choice, therefore we must respond wisely.
She had won gold at 3 different Olympic Games but beneath the surface, she was struggling—with crippling anxiety and depression.
In a world dominated by social media and 24-hour news, there are a lot of influencers claiming “expert” status with complex and loud opinions.
As parents, we see the behaviour, feel annoyed by it, and in many cases we try to shut it down. Maybe we argue with our child.
“The electric light did not come from the continuous improvement of candles.” There came a point where incremental innovation was no longer going to cut it.
Setting goals can seem like a lesson in frustration. Sometimes people can’t see the way to their dreams because their everyday has become so overwhelming.
If you’re an Aussie, and you haven’t been been traumatised yet by the current bushfire season, you probably someone you know has.