Control the Controllables

Apr 7, 2020 | Lifestyle

By: Lorrene McClymont

The world has gone slightly crazy and it seems the virus is all anyone is talking about. It makes my brain tired.

Things To Be Thankful For

When I walked in the door tonight, I saw the kids on the couch with a sleeping puppy and it made my heart smile. Then I noticed the free solid timber chest that we picked up on the weekend. I continued through the house and found that the dishes have been put away. I went out the back door to do something and my daughter’s boyfriend had decorated our undercover area with fairy lights and ivy, something I have been wanting to get done since we moved.

What Are You Thankful For?

Yes, We are living in an unprecedented time, Yes it can be uncertain and everything is unfamiliar. Life is not the same as it was even just three weeks ago or one week ago actually, but my challenge to you in the middle of this is what are you thankful for? Make a list. Start with five things, and then add one every single day. I didn’t even have to try to find five things tonight.

Change Your Habits

If you are finding that it all overwhelms you, I encourage you to change your habits. I have always woken up, scrolled Facebook, Instagram and then flicked over to to see what is going on on the news. This week I have stopped doing that. It isn’t because it scares me or overwhelms me necessarily, but the pandemic is permeating every single moment of my day and I really felt like I had to put in a boundary around the amount of content I feed my brain.

Control What You Can

I can’t control the government recommendations, or how much milk I am allowed to buy. I can’t control if I can find toilet paper today. There is absolutely no control over the fact that I can’t travel at the moment or attend church in person. There are things I can control though. I am in control of how I speak to people. My attitude in this crisis is under my control. I can control what I choose to focus on. I can control if I am kind to the person serving me at the checkout.

In a world where everything is changing, embrace the things that are familiar and safe. Find small things to be thankful for in your every day. If you are struggling with everything that is happening at the moment, talk to someone. Don’t try to cope on your own. Below are some links that have helpful information and resources.


Beyond Blue:

Article supplied with thanks to 1079life.

About the author: Lorrene is an author and photographer based in South Australia.

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