Dear Christian, When The Pandemic Hits, This Is Our Time

By: Akos Balogh

I’m guessing you’re starting to feel a little nervous.

The Coronavirus situation seems to be escalating day by day.

Yes, people are still in good spirits – and even making light of the situation (as seen by trending hashtags such as #ToiletPaperApocalypse). But having increasing numbers of empty rows at supermarket shelves is getting a little unnerving.

And so, we’re wondering: how bad is this crisis going to get? Is our society going to pull together, and get through it together? Or is the panic buying a sign of things to come?

Will we be praising the bravery of our medical staff, like we praised the RFS during the bushfire crisis? Or will many of the hospital staff go AWOL if the crisis picks up, like they did in the Matt Damon movie Contagion?

How bad will this crisis be?

The truth is, we don’t know for sure.

And so as a society, we’re increasingly anxious. Anxious for our loved ones. Anxious for ourselves. It’s a time of fear.

But whatever happens, dear Christian, know this: this is our time. God has raised us up for such a time as this. It’s no accident you’re here.

This is our time to think not about ourselves, but about our neighbours. Many of whom are scared, and will only grow more so as the virus spreads.

This is our time to hold out the Word of Life to those those around us – and give hope to those who are afraid, and are wondering what’s going to happen.

This is our time to trust our God no matter what the future brings. For, unlike our secular neighbours, we know where our hope lies. We know where our security lies. We know where our future lies.

It’s with the one who conquered sickness: who touched the lepers and healed them with a word. It’s with the one who conquered death – who said to Lazarus ‘come out!’. It’s with the one who defeated death – not just for a time – but forever.

It’s with the One who will return to resurrect this world and the bodies of all who trust in Him.

So let’s not be afraid. Let’s not give way to panic.
Instead, let’s serve those around us who are filled with fear.

If this pandemic hits our shores in all its fury, let’s be ready to give our energy, our time, and ourselves to serve those who don’t yet know Him.

Let’s be ready to share His love, and His gospel of Life.

This is our time.
Let’s use it well.

Article supplied with thanks to Akos Balogh.

About the Author: Akos is the Executive Director of the Gospel Coalition Australia. He has a Masters in Theology and is a trained Combat and Aerospace Engineer.

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