3 Narratives Worth Living Out This Year

Jan 1, 2023 | Lifestyle

By: Reuben Skewes

Generally speaking, Christians have been better protectors of the Gospel than purveyors of it. We have honed our sword swinging skills rather than our scriptwriting skills. Opting to be keyboard warriors over freedom fighters.

Sadly, the narratives we have lived out have raised more eyebrows than intrigue, leaving us labeled as hypocritical, exclusive and power hungry. It doesn’t have to stay this way, we have the ability to change.

When the Gospel continually refines who we are, our lives become inspiring and intriguing narratives of grace pointing people to Jesus.

Narrative is powerful. It helps people make sense of their lives and the world around them. It has a way of bringing people in contact with meaning. We are redeemed people living in a broken world, full of broken narratives.

The next move of God will not be a movement in the church. It’s going to be a movement of the church into society rewriting the stories of education, health, business and life. It’s time to tell the world a better story. It is time to show a better way to live.

Here are 3 narratives worth living out this year…

1. The Narrative of Rest

The idea of a sabbath rest goes against the rhythms of society. Rest is a beat inside God’s rhythm of grace which reorients us to what is truly important. In a world rapidly spiralling out of control, we can powerfully show how rest is a golden thread given by God to hold our lives together.

2. The Narrative of Hospitality

Hospitality is at the heart of the Gospel. It defies social constructs because it has no social or economic bounds. It says every person matters and that everyone deserves a seat at God’s table. It acknowledges the harsh realities of life, goes the extra mile and sits in the mess with extended arms of love. When we practice true hospitality we are transformed by it.

3. The Narrative of Generosity

People are moved by generosity. Society doesn’t understand it. Money is an idol, so generosity is counter-intuitive to our cultural values. Radical generosity in a consumer culture is abnormal, which means that most people are not doing it. When Jesus changes our hearts towards money, time, and resources we cannot help but live a narrative of generosity.

If we can redeem the narratives of society, we can redeem society. How we live points to the person who has changed us. Is the way you are living pointing people to Jesus? If not, why not decide to change your narrative.

Article supplied with thanks to The Journey by yesHEis.

About the Author: yesHEis provides various resources to help share your faith in relatable ways.

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