Discover the Beauty of the Present Moment

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

“Whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this? ” (John 11:26, NIV).

The actress Mary McDonnell has said, “We have to get back to the beauty of just being alive in this present moment.” There’s a lot of wisdom in that.

Too many people live in the past – a past of disappointment and broken dreams.

It is our nature to dwell on the hurts of the past. And it is also the nature of popular culture to push us towards a future that we know is just an illusion.

To try to exist in the present with no notion of the goodness of the past or the goodness of the future is simply too bleak to contemplate. We can only “get back to the beauty of just being alive in this present moment” when we are able to find goodness in the past, and goodness in the now.

When you discover Jesus, you discover life – right now in the present.

It is because of the good thing that God has done in the past through Christ at Calvary, that a good future is assured for all who love Him. For that reason, because of the cross, every hour, every minute, every second of every day has the potential of wonderful opportunity, meaningful purpose, and boundless joy.

When you discover Jesus, you discover life – not life in the past, not life in the future, but life right now.

Reflection: There are many people who are waiting for some future time to be happy and to truly live. Are you one of them? Ask your Heavenly Father to help you see his goodness to you in your past and in your present.

Article supplied with thanks to Dr Eliezer Gonzalez.

About the Author: Dr Eli Gonzalez is the Senior Pastor of Good News Unlimited and the presenter of the Unlimited radio spots, and The Big Question. Sign up to his free online course called Becoming a Follower of Jesus to learn about Jesus and His message.

Feature image: Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

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