Rethinking Evangelism and How We Can All Share Our Faith

By: Steff Willis

Evangelism. For many, the word evokes a spectrum of emotions and perceptions, from enthusiasm to discomfort.

It’s an important part of the Christian faith but one that comes with some baggage and stereotypes.

In a recent interview, Reuben Skewes helped reframe evangelism and how it’s something we can all be a part of.

Reuben is the Asia Pacific Strategic Partnerships Lead for Christian Vision and has a passion to see people know Jesus and make Jesus known. With extensive local church and global ministry experience, he brings unique insights to the cross-section of faith, technology and mission.

“Evangelism is not just for missionaries; it’s for all of us,” Reuben said. “It’s a call that we would go into our neighborhoods, into our workplaces, into our schools, and just be salt and light to show and tell the good things that God has done in our lives.”

Redefining Evangelism

While the word, Evangelism, may conjure up turned down invitations to church services or street preachers, Reuben suggests keeping it simple.

“Evangelism is just joy in raising intrigue to who Jesus is. Generally, I feel like Christians have been better protectors of the gospel than purveyors of it. I think we’ve done really well to hold tight to the thing that we think that’s important, rather than just getting good at purveying the story, raising intrigue.

“We’ve honed our sword swinging skills rather than our script writing skills. We’ve opted to be a keyboard warrior rather than maybe a freedom fighter.”

Reuben highlights the importance of living in a way and speaking in a way that sparks curiosity and draws people closer to a deeper understanding of faith.

Be A Good Christian, Friend and Messenger

Reuben breaks down the process of engaging in evangelism into three core aspects: being a good Christian, being a good friend, and being a messenger. He emphasizes the importance of cultivating an intimate relationship with Jesus, stepping out of the comfort zone to build relationships with non-believers, and actively listening to the Holy Spirit’s guidance in sharing the gospel.

“Proximity creates passion” Reuben said. “If you’re stuck in a church bubble, which I love church, but if you’re stuck with only Christian friends, you need to get out of that bubble and experience life and just be a friend to people that don’t know Jesus.

“I think curiosity over condemnation. I think conversation over conversion. And I think remembering that you’re not the judge, you’re the witness. You just have to show and tell the things you’ve heard of Jesus.”

Embracing Technology in Evangelism

As technology continues to shape the way we communicate and connect with others, Reuben advocates for utilising innovative ways to share the gospel.

He recognises the potential of platforms like gaming and online interactions as avenues for meaningful conversations about faith.

“Listen to the prompts of the Holy Spirit in various scenarios, including the digital realm” Reuben said.

For tips and encouragements on how to share your faith, check out YesHEis.

Article supplied with thanks to 96five.

Feature image: Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

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