“Hats Off” to Dedicated Educators on World Teachers’ Day

By: Steff Willis

World Teachers’ Day is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the incredible work teachers do every day.

By celebrating this day and showing our appreciation, we can help create a supportive and encouraging environment that allows teachers to thrive and continue making a positive impact on our children’s lives.

Teacher Penny Hudson from Christian Heritage College spoke to us about her heart for impacting future generations.

“I’ve wanted to be a teacher since I was pretty little” Penny said. “I’m one of four kids and I’ve loved being an older sister, so caring for my younger siblings, I guess that sort of transfers to the care that I have for students.

“I just love the idea of helping them to gain knowledge and grow a love for learning, but also just to help students build character as they navigate their teenage years.”

The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Learning (AITSL) is encouraging everyone to say “hats off to teachers” on World Teachers’ Day.

The term ‘hats off’ has a long history of being used to show respect, admiration and offer congratulations. It can be traced back to medieval times when knights would remove their helmets to show respect.

AITSL has provided resources to help parents and the community celebrate this day and show honour to teachers and educators.

Penny Hudson has found a lot of satisfaction in seeing students respond to a lesson that she’s worked hard on but she’s also found working with fellow teachers and staff to be inspiring.

“They are so talented and creative and dedicated to their job” Penny said.

“Seeing their care and intentionality, not only in the lessons they’re preparing, but how they’re teaching and, and how they conduct themselves, the way that they’re supporting each other, and how they encourage the students, it’s very inspiring.”

Article supplied with thanks to 96five.

Feature image:  Canva

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