Priscilla Shirer on New Movie ‘The Forge’ and the Power of Mentoring

By: Steff Willis

Whether or not you’ve had a formal mentor, we all know the value of having people in our lives who believe in us—someone to offer encouragement, lift us up, pray with us, and challenge us when needed.

These relationships help us grow and become the best version of ourselves.

The power of prayer and mentorship is the underlying message of the Kendrick Brother’s new film, The Forge which is out in cinemas now.

The movie centres around Isaiah Wright (Aspen Kennedy) who after finishing high school, has no plans for his future and has some growing up to do. Isaiah is challenged by his single mum (Pricilla Shirer) and a successful businessman (Cameron Arnett) to start charting a better course for his life.

Priscilla Shirer is a wife, mum, actress and has authored more than two dozen books. Priscilla holds a master’s degree in biblical studies and serves believers all around the world through Going Beyond Ministries which equips believers through books, Bible study resources, conferences and through films like War Room and I Can Only Imagine.

Steff Willis sat down with Priscilla Shirer to talk about the new movie and role mentoring has played in her life.

“All of us in our spheres of influence have been called to minister to the people who are right there” Priscilla said.

“I’m hoping [audiences] will really be endeared to the storyline of a young person’s life being impacted because an older, wiser person takes the time to affirm them, celebrate them, but also challenge them to rise up into the full stature of who God has called them to be.”

Reflecting on her own life, Priscilla shares how different phases brought different mentors who guided her through specific challenges.

“When my kids were young, there was a woman whose children were about ten years older than mine. She gave me the encouragement I needed,” Priscilla said.

As a teenager, she had another mentor who was successful in her career and loved God who took the time to connect with her and it made a huge difference in her life.

Steff took the opportunity to ask Pricilla to mentor her and Priscilla shared three pieces of wisdom that she believes would benefit anyone.

1. Understand the Power of Your Yes and No

“Every yes is a simultaneous no, and vice versa,” Priscilla said.

“We have gotten into the busy grind hustle culture where saying yes to everything seems to be a sign of success. But actually, every yes we say is a simultaneous no to something we should be prioritising.”

2. Prioritise Your Relationship with God

Priscilla underscores the significance of nurturing one’s relationship with the Lord, even during busy seasons.

“Whatever prioritizing time with the Lord needs to look like, do that” Priscilla said.

“The enemy would want you to think that if you don’t have an hour to have this beautiful traditional way of having devotions, it’s not worth it. But even writing down a verse on a 3 by 5 card and posting it on your bathroom mirror can be impactful.”

3. Honour Your Body

“Sometimes, particularly as women, we neglect ourselves because we are looking after everybody else” Priscilla said.

“As you’re able to honour your body with movement, with walking, with eating decently. Remember, your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.”

The Forge is in cinemas now, check out Faith Media for cinema locations.

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