
By: Andrew Laird

Have you heard the new term being used to describe those who turn up to the workplace rather than always work from home?


It’s the feeling that being seen in the office will lead to better career opportunities than if you are always online at home and can’t be seen.

Now there is something to be said for this. But I wonder if it also speaks to our belief that what we see is what matter most.

I know I can do a good job at looking the part. But what about what’s going on inside?

You know, Jesus talks a lot about a focus on the outside when it’s what’s inside that matters.

That’s why He didn’t come to make us more superficially moral. He came to change our selfish hearts to ones that are turned out in love towards Him and others.

So next time you’re tempted to put on an impressive appearance make sure you ask yourself what’s going on inside too.

Listen to this episode of God in 60 Seconds:


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