By: Laura Bennett
It’s been a big few years for former Hillsong UNITED vocalist Taya Gaukrodger (now ‘TAYA’).
After releasing her self-titled debut solo album in 2023 and coincidentally resigning from her role with the church on the 10th anniversary of Zion – the album that gave us the famed Oceans track – TAYA has headlined her own tours in the US, become a mum, announced a European tour, and found time to release new music.
Celebrating her son Bo Benaiah’s October birthday, TAYA shared on social media that she’s “forever ruined in the best way” by his arrival and the goodness of God.
“Children are a heritage from the Lord and we [husband Ben and I] believe they’re to stand on their parents shoulders going further than we did, in all the ways” TAYA said.
“Whatever God asks of [Bo] through his life, [we’re going] to encourage obedience to God in all things.”
A few months on and music’s front of mind again with TAYA’s new single Gonna Be Good.
“[The single] is a joy-filled reminder about not only God’s care in creating us, but also the care that He continues to lavish upon us,” TAYA said in our interview. “It’s also about how we’re meant to look up and see God’s care for the birds, for flowers and nature.”
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In Matthew 6, observing the way the birds nether sow nor reap yet are cared for by the Lord, we’re meant to take encouragement from the fact that just as God looks after them, He’ll look after us.
“In that reality of knowing that God [is] well aware of our human concerns and that He’ll meet all of our needs, [we] get to trust that He’ll be who He says He is,” TAYA said.
“The sweet thing about that is, we can then look around and [see] we do have a million reasons to praise Him, we do have so many things to be grateful for and thankful for.
“No matter what you’re facing, [Gonna Be Good] reminds you that you can trust God and His character.”