3 Quick-Fire Principles for Choosing a Charity to Support

By: Ben Allsop

Part of giving effectively is not just knowing what we’re passionate about, but also finding a way to make an impact.

For most of us, that comes down to choosing a charity or organization that we can support financially.

So how do you choose an organization that will make an impact? Here’s a few tips.

1 – Find some people you trust to help you.

You might know people who have volunteered in organisations or worked in the field that can help guide you or recommend some organisations.

2 – Research a couple of organisations

Even a google search and a look at their website can help. Chances are you’ll start to see some subtle differences in different organisations. Look at the stories that they tell — are these the stories that you care about? If so, there’s probably an alignment there.

3 – Make small gifts

Particularly if you’re new to giving, make a few smaller gifts to organisations first. See how they interact with you and be prepared to learn from them. As you do, think about not just what they do, but how they work. What is it about the way they work that is helping to solve problems you care about?

Lastly, don’t be worried about making a mistake. Giving is a risk worth taking. There are some brilliant people and wonderful organisations out there so be brave and enjoy it!

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