NEPAL: Woman’s Witness Impacts Entire Village

Bimala Thokar came to faith in Christ in 2021 through the witness of her daughter. The Buddhist people of their Nepalese village disapproved of Bimala and her family becoming Christians and sharing the gospel with others.

Local Buddhist monks called the police to accuse Bimala of “evil practices” and illegally spreading the Christian religion. At the police station, Bimala answered the charges by explaining her Christian faith. The police officer in charge identified himself as Christian and encouraged Bimala in her faith.

No charges were filed. Instead, villagers who had previously shunned Bimala and verbally abused her slowly began to accept her and ask her to pray with them. Bimala remains strong in her faith and desires that a fellowship of Christians would be started in her village.

Source: The Voice of the Martyrs USA

Please Pray

Praise God for Bimala’s faithful witness and for His intervention in her life.

Ask the Holy Spirit to be actively at work through the prayers of Bimala. Pray that many may come to experience His mercy.

Pray for those ministering to the unreached in remote and difficult-to-reach areas of northern Nepal.


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