How Did I Get Here?

By: 1079Life

My recent  article was about that feeling of “It wasn’t supposed to be like this.” Coming in a close second behind that experience has to be, “How did I get here?”

You know that feeling. You are sailing along with life, something happens that is not your choice and you think, How did I get here? Alternatively, you are living your life, you make some small choices that you feel a little uneasy about. Before you know it you are standing in the ruin of your life thinking seriously how did I get here?

I have been in both situations. Along the way, I have realised that regardless of the reason for the situation, God still wants to teach me something in the mess. When the mess is a product of my own choices, sometimes it’s hard to talk to God about it. I sometimes struggle with feeling like I made such a mess, so God won’t want to hear from me. There’s a shame attached to screwing up, that makes us feel we can’t come to God.

Like any relationship, our relationship with God should be an honest one. When we have made poor choices, it’s the best time to go to God. We can say to Him, show me where I went wrong, forgive me, and help me to move forward. God reminds us that we are saved and loved. He changes our perspective. God meets us in the mess but He doesn’t want us to stay there.


Article supplied with thanks to 1079life.

Feature image: Photo by kevin turcios on Unsplash  

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