You Never Know How God is Working in People’s Lives — Princess’ Story

By: yesHEis

During the pandemic, Princess wanted to reach out and encourage friends with daily bible verses. In turn she was encouraged by how powerful God’s word is at transforming lives. She shares her story…

I had a friend who didn’t know Jesus and really needed encouragement during the COVID lockdown. Rather than just encourage her with my words – I decided to encourage her with God’s words. So everyday I sent her a bible verse along with some words of encouragement.

However after a while life got in the way and I stopped sending them. She reached out to me saying,

“I miss all the bible verses that you’ve been sending to me!”

Princess -- Portrait (1)

God says his word transforms people. I wanted to encourage her, but underneath, I hoped God’s word would be the thing that changed her heart – and it did!

Eventually she came to our bible study and decided to follow Jesus!

God is working in people’s lives. I realised that all of the bible verses that I’ve sent to her were not in vain. God’s word is dynamic and powerful – if you plant it, it will grow like a seed.

What seeds can you start sowing in people’s lives around you? The seeds you plant today will bear fruit in the future.

Article supplied with thanks to The Journey by yesHEis.

About the Author: yesHEis provides various resources to help share your faith in relatable ways.

Images: Supplied

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