WEST AFRICA: Christian Teenager Cursed by Father

Carla, age 16, came to faith in Christ in 2021. Though she grew up in a culturally Christian home, her widowed father practises animistic beliefs. When he learned about Carla’s decision to follow Jesus, he tried to force her to marry a non-believer.

After Carla refused, her father was enraged and tried to place a curse on her.

He also bribed a government official to bring a state case against Carla.

Carla has fled to her uncle’s house. Amid the hostility she is facing from her father, she has dropped out of school.

Source: iCommitToPray

Please Pray

Pray for Carla’s hope in Christ to remain firm.

Pray for reconciliation between Carla and her father, and that through her faith he will come to know Christ.

Pray for safety and provision for Carla as she stays with her uncle. Pray that she will be able to return to school to finish her education.

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