2019 Impact: Families of Martyrs


We provide financial assistance for families of Christian martyrs and prisoners until they can find alternative means of support, prison visitation trips, education and orphanages for children impacted by persecution, microbusinesses, training programmes and safe houses for Christians whose lives are in danger.

VOM’s international projects are overseen by our local contacts or are achieved in cooperation with partner ministries.

These select examples have been chosen to provide an overview of how Voice of the Martyrs encouraged and assisted persecuted Christians with the help of our supporters, in 2019.

Project: Income-generating sewing machines
Country: India (Hindu world)
This project assisted 20 women suffering from poverty as a result of persecution. The ladies were provided with sewing machines in addition to training and working capital. These women are now sufficiently supporting themselves. They operate from home and provide finished clothing items to a local church; the items are then sold in regional markets. As they grow in skill and experience, there is an increasing demand for the items made by these women. The project will be repeated in 2020.
Funds provided: $15,230

Project: Training Centre Evangelism
Country: Egypt (Muslim world)
This training centre is accessed by Muslim background believers (MBBs) and curious Muslims. It offers vocational training workshops and an opportunity to hear the Gospel. The centre is effectively reaching out to the community and is a safe place for MBBs to receive spiritual, emotional and social support in an area of Egypt which is hostile to new believers. The project is continuing in 2020.
Funds provided: $15,030

Project: Children’s Crisis Care
Country: Nigeria (Muslim world)
Accommodation, quality education and medical care is being provided for children who are victims of persecution, including Boko Haram Islamist terrorism and Fulani Muslim militant attacks. The goal is that the children will emerge from their time at the crisis centre healed physically, psychologically and spiritually, with a strong faith in Jesus Christ. The crisis centre equips them with the education and vocational skills and character needed to be a blessing to their family and neighbours in rebuilding their community. This is an ongoing project run by a local partner ministry.
Funds provided: $30,000

Project: Schools for Persecuted Children
Country: Pakistan (Muslim world)
VOM is helping to support six schools, provided by a partner ministry, for poor and marginalised Christian children. In government schools, Christian children face humiliation and discrimination; there is also the threat of abduction and forced conversion. This alternative provides education in a safe and nurturing Christian environment. This project is continuing in 2020.
Funds provided: $7,500

Project: Emergency Financial Assistance
Country: Vietnam (Communist world)
The church in Vietnam continues to grow. The local authorities do all they can to try to prevent frontline workers from advancing the Kingdom. This project provides for persecuted Christians requiring emergency financial aid resulting from beatings, destruction of property, confiscation of land, etc. The project is also used to aid families of Christians imprisoned for their faith. The project is continuing in 2020.
Funds provided: $10,384

If you would like to financially support the work of Voice of the Martyrs, please go to: vom.com.au/donate

Voice of the Martyrs Australia is an endorsed deductible gift recipient (DGR) by the Australian government. This means you can claim tax deductions for all donations over $2 to Voice of the Martyrs Australia on your tax return.

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