Coronavirus: Call for Calm – Helpful Information

By: Clare Bruce

Prime Minister Scott Morrison is calling for calm over the coronavirus outbreak, since January 2020, as people strip supermarket shelves of food and toilet paper.

“In Australia, it’s 38 cases — 21 of those who have had the virus have passed through the virus now and are back in the community. We’ve got ahead of it at the start and are working hard to stay ahead of it,” Mr Morrison said.

Hope News director Anita Savage reported:

“Woolworths said its been forced to limit the sale to four packs of toilet paper per customer while manufacturer Kimberly-Clark is increasing production in South Australia to help deal with the shortages.

“Scott Morrison says he understands people are anxious but there’s no need for hysteria.

Helpful Information

Coronavirus Health Information Line
Call this line if you are seeking information on novel coronavirus. The line operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

1800 020 080

Australian Department of Health
Visit their dedicated ‘Coronavirus (COVID-19) health alert‘ page that offers the following key information:

  • Current status in Australia, in the news, and across the world
  • Why there is an alert
  • Who is at risk and what to do if you are
  • Fact sheets in a number of different languages
  • Health sector resources including emergency response plans
  • Information for travellers and visitors including international students

‘We are monitoring a respiratory illness outbreak caused by a novel (new) coronavirus (COVID-19). We update this alert every day with the latest medical advice and official reports.’

The Department of Health said “Australia is well prepared” and is responding in the following way:

  • Australian Government agencies and state and territory governments are working together to coordinate an evidence-based response. This includes:
  • providing information in English and Chinese based on the latest medical advice, including through Facebook, Twitter, Weibo, WeChat and Chinese newspapers
  • applying a 14-day isolation period to people at risk of getting coronavirus
  • applying travel restrictions to reduce the number of travellers from mainland China and Iran
  • tracing coronavirus cases
  • continuing to screen travellers who arrive in Australia
  • continuing with border surveillance
  • applying enhanced border measures at international air and sea ports, including announcements and signs

A total of over 1.4 million P2 and surgical masks have been made available from the National Medical Stockpile as part of the Government’s response to COVID-19. The Government is also investigating further sources of supply for personal protective equipment, both internationally and domestically.

State and territory health authorities are:

  • testing anyone who shows symptoms of the virus
  • monitoring close contacts of confirmed cases every day

Visit the Australian Department of Health Website

Article supplied with thanks to Hope Media.

About the Author: Clare is a digital journalist for the Broadcast Industry.

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