Imagine An Online Revival

By: yesHeis

‘Not connected’ — does that phrase cause certain tension or anxiety to rise within you? It is a simple message with significant repercussions: communication ceases, information remains static, and FOMO begins to set in!

Digital connection is a foundational part of the global landscape of today, drastically changing the way we interact with each other and the world around us. Our every waking moment, the daily experiences and events of life can be broadcast live to people no matter the geographical location.

Thanks to these connections, we hear whispers of revival echoing across the globe. Stories of invigorated faith, unusual boldness and a renewed desperation for God are popping up online.

Have you ever thought about what relationship you might have with that word ‘revival’?

Perhaps your mind traces back to stories you’ve heard passed down from another generation. Tales of spontaneous prayer meetings and buildings heaving with people desperate for an encounter with God. Reports of the miraculous: cancer disappearing or amputated limbs growing back.

Revivals of old were birthed out of the passionate prayers of individuals with a wild desire to see God awaken the world around them and bring people into a relationship with Jesus. The result was this — a single town or region could not contain the transformation that God brought, and the impact spread far and wide.

What might revival look like at this time in history?

If community is no longer confined to the physical space that you occupy, does revival have to be confined to a physical space? Imagine what might happen if we believed God for revival to travel through the connection of our online communities.

Imagine if we saw healings from prayers typed over text messages, or we lead people to Jesus using FaceTime. Imagine if the Holy Spirit moved and changed the lives of thousands watching a live Youtube video, or spontaneous prayer meetings erupting on Instagram. We would see young people in Noosa, Australia sharing miracle stories with university students in Kiev, Ukraine. The sound of multiplied salvations in Eastern Europe being heard over the noise of New York City.

Revival can spread like a wildfire through your connected community. Let the revivals of the past inspire you, but don’t let them stop you from thinking differently. God is able to do more than you could ever imagine. What are you believing God to do through you?

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” — Acts 1:8

Article supplied with thanks to The Journey by yesHEis.

About the Author: yesHEis provides various resources to help share your faith in relatable ways.

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