Heading Home- A Poem

By: Yvette Cherry

The wind was a howlin’,
blowing a gale.
Our Coral Bay holiday
was beginning to fail.

The sand stung our legs
and whipped through the van.
We’ll leave a day early,
conceded The Man.

We agreed to set off
next morning, first light.
If we drove 14 hours
we’d get home that night.

Pack up got started,
a crapload of gear,
strapped to the roof racks,
then Leigh needed a beer.

But I’d had an idea
Why don’t we leave now?
We could get a good head start
As the sun’s going down.

I tried to convince him,
Why sleep here tonight?
Too windy! I’m over it!

And Leigh sighed, alright!

We scoffed down our dinner,
hitched up and departed.
As the full moon was rising
our road trip got started.

I was feeling pretty chipper
as we cruised down the highway.
I liked sleeping roadside
and I loved getting my way!

If this part goes badly,
You won’t be to blame.

My husband said tenderly,
though it sounded kinda strange.

It was getting quite late
when we pulled in for fuel.
Leigh’d done all the driving,
you might think that cruel

But I’m a pretty bad driver.
And towing is scary.
When I jumped in to drive
the whole family was wary.

The Jayco was swaying
as I head down the road,
white knuckled and big eyed,
and next thing … OH NO!

No swerving or braking-
that much I knew.
I simply plowed headlong
into that giant roo.

His beloved Prado banged up,
Leigh held back from crying.
Not as bad as ol’ Skippy
but inside I was dying.

I’d taken us off-script,
Plan A was much neater.
We created some memories
but we’ll need a panel beater.

Article supplied with thanks to Yvette Cherry.

About the Author: Yvette is a wife, mum to four little girls, worship ministry coordinator, and former English teacher.

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