Do Your Friends See Freedom in You?

By: yesHeis

The cultural conversation of our generation revolves around freedom of choice.

Whether through protests, social media, or Netflix documentaries, we are taking a stand on issues we believe in and rejecting traditional beliefs.

As people in relationship with Jesus, it can be hard to know when and how to participate in this cultural conversation. While some social movements are well worth our support, others are less black and white, leaving many of us confused and silent.

Jesus is the freedom our generation are searching for.

The emotions and identities of genuine people are being rocked by these debates around freedom of choice, therefore we must respond wisely.

First, we must steer clear of hostile arguments that can lead to fractured relationships, and second, we must live and love in a way that demonstrates the freedom that each of us has found in Jesus. As we do this, the people in our lives who are searching for freedom become curious and we have opportunities to share the real reason behind our hope and peace.

Our culture often perceives religion as a lifestyle bound by rules. It’s only when you have a relationship with Jesus that you understand it’s not the case at all.

Life without Jesus relies on all of own strength and striving to live life our own way. After encountering Jesus, everything changes. When we trust that He has forgiven us and now lives inside of us we find purpose. There is a lightness in your step and peace in your heart. It is true freedom.

“So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.” — John 8:36

In Jesus we are free. We are no longer slaves to sin, to fear, or to the world. Our identity is unshakeable in Him. We have peace, we have joy, we have hope. That sounds like true freedom.

We have been revived for a reason — to live in a way that invites others to know this freedom that we have found through Jesus.

So the challenge for you today is: how are you living this truth out? Do your friends look at your life and see freedom? Are they intrigued about the source of that freedom? If not, what might you need to change?

Ask the Holy Spirit to remind you of the true joy of your salvation today. If you believe in your heart that you’re free, you can live like you’re free too. And through your freedom, Jesus can bring light and love to others who are still searching.

Article supplied with thanks to The Journey by yesHEis.

About the Author: yesHEis provides various resources to help share your faith in relatable ways.

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