From the rise of artificial intelligence to global politics, the cost of living and more, 2024 was a year of challenges and opportunities.

“It’s Happening Everywhere” – Film Set to Shine a Light on Human Trafficking
For filmmaker Miguel Nieto Montenegro, making ‘Unseen’ is a step towards fulfilling a promise he made himself in 2016.
A Place to Call Home: For Some, It’s the Ultimate Christmas Gift
“Wesley Mission has given me back trust,” says Martin, a recipient of housing through Wesley Mission’s Homeless Services.

10 Years After the Lindt Cafe Siege: Louisa Hope Still Giving Back
After surviving the Sydney café siege 10 years ago, Louisa Hope turned a horrific experience into something special.

Be a Pool Safety Hero – Tips to Save Little Lives This Summer
Summer fun starts with safety! Prevent accidents and enjoy peace of mind by ensuring your swimming pool fence meets the current safety laws.

Designing Communities to Tackle Loneliness: The ‘Little BIG Foundation’
The Little BIG Foundation aims to tackle loneliness in Australia by developing places, programs and events for social connection.

How Innovation in Education is Changing Australia
Learning for Good is addressing the issue of rural disadvantage, and ushering in a new era for education in Australia

New Solutions for Youth Loneliness: Friendship Courses & ‘Social Prescribing’
Publica has released urgent recommendations to address the rising epidemic of loneliness among young Australians.

It’s Sales Season: An Ethical Look at Black Friday-Cyber Monday
Baptist World Aid says we need be aware of the psychology at play behind sales and the feeling that we need new things, and we need them now.
The Housing Market Crisis, and the Role of Christians
The housing crisis is a multifaceted issue that requires urgent attention from all sectors of society, including the Christian community.